Cavities can form
as soon as a
child gets their
rst tooth
What is
uoride varnish?
Fluoride varnish is a liquid
coating containing uoride
that is painted on the teeth. It
strengthens the teeth and helps
prevent tooth decay.
Is uoride varnish safe?
Fluoride varnish is safe and is used by dentists and
doctors all over the world to help prevent tooth decay
in children. Only a small amount is used, and hardly any
uoride is swallowed. It is quickly applied and hardens. Then it
is brushed off after 4 to 12 hours.
How is uoride varnish applied?
Fluoride varnish is applied with a small brush. The tasteless, quick drying liquid is applied to clean,
dry teeth and hardens as soon as it comes in contact with saliva.
Why should uoride varnish be applied?
Fluoride varnish should be put on a child’s teeth because cavities can begin as soon as the rst
tooth comes in. Cavities in baby teeth can cause pain and can prevent children from sleeping,
speaking, and even learning properly. Children do not lose all their baby teeth until they are 11 or
12 years old. Tooth decay is the most common preventable disease in children.
After the uoride varnish application procedure:
Eat only soft foods for at least 2 hours after treatment
Do not consume hot drinks or use mouthwash for at least 6 hours after treatment
Wait 24 hours until brushing and ossing teeth
Fluoride Varnish
LIBERTY cares about more than just teeth!
© 2020 LIBERTY Dental Plan Fluoride-Varnish-Treatment-Eng RN 01 2020
Making members shine, one smile at a time