Consuming xylitol
can reduce
tooth decay
© 2020 LIBERTY Dental Plan What-is-Xylitol-Natural-Sweetener-Eng RN 01 2020
What is Xylitol
Natural Sweetener?
LIBERTY cares about more than just teeth!
www.libertydentalplan.com Making members shine, one smile at a time
Xylitol sweetened chewing gum can prevent tooth decay
Foods containing xylitol include: granulated sweeteners, chewing gum, toothpaste, dental
oss, mouth rinse, mints, lollipops, and more!
1. Wake up: brush teeth with xylitol
Breakfast: chew 1-2 pieces of xylitol
gum, or rinse with xylitol mouth
3. Lunch: chew 1-2 pieces of xylitol
gum or 1 mint, or a xylitol lollipop
4. Dinner: chew 1-2 pieces of xylitol
gum or 1 mint, or a xylitol lollipop
Before bed: brush teeth with xylitol
and rinse with xylitol
mouth rinse
Noon Evening
Daily Routine for Adults and Kids:
What is xylitol?
Xylitol is a natural sugar substitute sweetener that prevents
cavities that comes from birch trees, fruits and vegetables.
Xylitol looks and taste like sugar but has fewer calories, and
does not raise the blood sugar levels like sugar does.
Who can use xylitol?
Xylitol can be used by adults and children.
What are the benets of xylitol?
Xylitol has many health benets. Xylitol helps prevent ear
infections, upper respiratory infections, and lower sugar
levels in patients with diabetes. Xylitol also helps prevents
caries. The bacteria in the mouth uses sugars to make
an acid that causes cavities. When the bacteria takes in
xylitol it cannot make the acid that causes tooth decay.
Where can I get xylitol?
Xylitol is available in many forms. You can use xylitol as a
natural sweetener for drinks and meals. You can also nd
xylitol in toothpaste, oral rinses,
gum, mints, lollipops, lozenges
and other.
How much xylitol do I need?
You need to consume 4-15 grams
of xylitol a day.