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HITRUST Certified

LIBERTY received HITRUST CSF v8.1 certified status for its Health Solutions Plus core application and supporting systems as of 11/20/17
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HEDIS NCQA Certified

 LIBERTY Dental Plan was presented with a
2018 NCQA-Certified HEDIS® Compliance Audit™
by AttestHealth Care Advisors, LLC, an NCQA certified audit group.
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NCQA has reviewed and accredited LIBERTY’s Credentialing and Utilization Management functions only. For complete details on the scope of this review, visit www.ncqa.org.

Complete un formulario por cada persona de su familia queesté inscrita en LIBERTY. Si tiene preguntas, llame a LIBERTY al número gratuito 1.833.276.0850. Unrepresentante está disponible para hablar con usted de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m. Losusuarios de TDD/TTY deben marcar el número 1.877.855.8039.
Completar este formulario es voluntario. No se le denegará atención en función de sus respuestas

Last Date of Update 12/22/2021

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